Sadly, opponents of progress in Tusayan have in the past mischaracterized the goals of the Town of Tusayan. Here are a few falsehoods that will NEVER be built in Tusayan.

"Ten Walmarts"
Earthjustice - Official scoping letter to U.S. Department of Agriculture in 2015, representing National Parks Conservation Association, Grand Canyon Trust, Sierra Club and Center for Biological Diversity (CBD). Malls and big-box retail stores like Walmart are not allowed in Tusayan and have never been proposed.

"Water Park"
Sierra Club - A representative was quoted in 2015 on KPNX Channel 12 Phoenix spreading an unverified rumor of a water park in Stilo's plans. Earthjustice repeated the claim in an official Forest Service scoping comment, magnifying the falsehood to decision makers. This is not an allowed use in Tusayan and has never been proposed.

"Roller Coasters"
Red Feather Properties - A representative from Red Feather was quoted in the Arizona Republic in 2010, saying "My worst nightmare, roller coasters at the Grand Canyon." Roller coasters are not allowed in Tusayan and have never been proposed.

"Golf Course"
Sierra Club - A representative referred to a proposed golf course in a 2011 Arizona Daily Sun story. A golf course has never been proposed, and also not allowed in Tusayan.